This fonts are authors' property, and are either shareware, demo versions or public domain. The licence mentioned above the download button is just an indication. Please look at the readme-files in the archives or check the indicated author's website for details, and contact him if in doubt. If no author/licence is indicated that's because we don't have information, that doesn't mean it's free.
Version 0. 5 * A work in progress, made for a Terraria mod. It gets its name because parts of it remind me of halberd, partisan, andor axe heads. I designed this to have the vaguely authoritation look of a Didone as well as a borderline-gaudy look that prevents this from being taken as seriously as other Didones. These changes lent some much-needed character to the prototypical Didone from which this design evolved. The uppercase letters are more heavily ornamented, as if to suggest that they are letters from an illuminated manuscript. The main texture is a diamond pattern inspired by vent holes in medieval armor. These were often made with a square punch, and help the font look more handmade. * Notes The wider letters are incised, which seems to lessen their perceived wideness by breaking up the shapes. For me this effect lent a more natural flow to the reading. The ornamentation rules are complicated and factor in lettershapes, English letter frequency, and the existing design parameters. One thing I can concisely explain is that glyphs which normally look fairly plain are ornamented to such an extent that they make others look plain instead CGJLT1 among others.