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Download free Stem-Thin & font | Stem-Thin.ttf

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Stem-Thin & font by Tom Jerry. File script name Stem-Thin.ttf download free for Personal Use.

About Stem-Thin & font

Stem Font Family $105 | 12 x TTF and OTF

The thing is that many sans-serif typefaces are usually intended for universal usage. But sometimes faces that work fine in body text look not so good in large point sizes for display purposes when all the contrast in non-contrast sans-serif, or ink traps, become visible to the naked eye. 

Every designer solves this problem in his own way. We offer a drastic solution in our Stem: a sans-serif with optical sizing. The first part of the type family, Stem Display, is for use in largest point sizes, from 36 pt indefinitely. Stem Display consists of 12 faces of widths from Hairline to Bold, and it has true italics. The development of Stem type family will include Stem Text for body text and “traditional”, universal use, and Stem Caption for small point sizes.

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This fonts are authors' property, and are either shareware, demo versions or public domain. The licence mentioned above the download button is just an indication. Please look at the readme-files in the archives or check the indicated author's website for details, and contact him if in doubt. If no author/licence is indicated that's because we don't have information, that doesn't mean it's free.

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Stem-Thin  | Stem-Thin.ttf

  • Font family: Stem-Thin
  • Unique identifier: com. myfonts. easy. paratype. stem. thin. wfkit2. version. 4kpu
  • Full font name: Stem Thin
  • Version: Version 1. 001;com. myfonts. easy. paratype. stem. thin. wfkit2. version. 4kpu
  • Postscript font name: Stem-Thin
  • Trademark notice: Stem is a trademark of the ParaType, Inc.
  • Manufacturer name: ParaType Ltd
  • Designer: Alexandra Korolkova, Marya Selezeneva, Isabella Chaeva
  • Description: Stem is a geometric sans-serif with semi-closed aperture and large x-height. 12 faces of it, including upright and true italic faces of different weights, are intended primarily for large point sizes. The Stem family will be supplemented with faces for text and caption setting. Design Alexandra Korolkova with the assistance of Maria Selezeneva and Isabella Chaeva. Released by ParaType in 2014.
  • Font subfamily identification: &
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