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Download free URWGroteskSCLig Regular font | URW Grotesk SC Light.ttf

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URWGroteskSCLig Regular font by Tom Jerry. File script name URW Grotesk SC Light.ttf download free for Personal Use.

About URWGroteskSCLig Regular font

URW Grotesk was designed exclusively for URW by Prof. Hermann Zapf in 1985. At the same time, Zapf designed URW Antiqua to go with URW Grotesk. At that time, we were working with a large German publishing house (Axel Springer) on type design solutions to replace certain of their newspaper fonts.

Test pages of large German newspapers (e.g. Bildzeitung) were printed with URW Grotesk and URW Antiqua font families. For reasons not disclosed to us, the project was dropped and Springer never used URW Grotesk and URW Antiqua for that purpose.

Anyway, Zapf finished his designs and URW produced both families. More…

Designers: Hermann Zapf

URW Grotesk ExtraLight

URW Grotesk ExtraLight Oblique

URW Grotesk Light

URW Grotesk SC Light

URW Grotesk Light Oblique

URW Grotesk Light Italic

URW Grotesk Regular

URW Grotesk SC Regular

URW Grotesk Oblique

URW Grotesk Italic

URW Grotesk Medium

URW Grotesk Medium Oblique

URW Grotesk Medium Italic

URW Grotesk Bold

URW Grotesk Bold Oblique

URW Grotesk Bold Italic

URW Grotesk Cond ExtraLight

URW Grotesk Cond Light

URW Grotesk Cond Bold

URW Grotesk ExtraNarrow ExtraLight

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Free for Personal Use

This fonts are authors' property, and are either shareware, demo versions or public domain. The licence mentioned above the download button is just an indication. Please look at the readme-files in the archives or check the indicated author's website for details, and contact him if in doubt. If no author/licence is indicated that's because we don't have information, that doesn't mean it's free.

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  • URW Grotesk SC Light.ttf
    URWGroteskSCLig Regular URW Grotesk SC Light.ttf

Image Demo

urwgrotesksclig Regular fonturwgrotesksclig Regular fonturwgrotesksclig Regular fonturwgrotesksclig Regular fonturwgrotesksclig Regular fonturwgrotesksclig Regular fonturwgrotesksclig Regular fonturwgrotesksclig Regular fonturwgrotesksclig Regular fonturwgrotesksclig Regular fonturwgrotesksclig Regular fonturwgrotesksclig Regular font

URWGroteskSCLig Regular | URW Grotesk SC Light.ttf

  • Font family: URWGroteskSCLig
  • Font subfamily identification: Regular
  • Unique identifier: 1. 100;URW ;URWGroteskSC-Lig;2076;TR4-4. 0. 1. 5095
  • Full font name: URWGroteskSCLig
  • Version: Version 1. 10;com. myfonts. easy. urw. grotesk. urw-grotesk-sc-t-light. wfkit2. version. 3qs9
  • Postscript font name: URWGroteskSC-Lig
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